Saturday 22 December 2012

Weekly round up- floods, otters and a Bittern

A great final week at work before christmas gave the opportunity to take a few pictures of the regular reedbed specialists.

Firstly a couple of pictures of the Lackford Run during one of the 8 days of flooding the reserve received in the past 2 weeks. for those who know the reserve, we often get complaints that the Lackford run trail is often quite muddy, the photos below show why it gets muddy! this path floods on the medium/high high tide and well below the Environment agency flood warning level, a constant problem during winter and summer too.

This is the path 3hrs before high tide... I decided to close the path!

This young otter was absolutely fantastic, one of my wildlife highlights of the year. I watched it forr about an hour, in which it caught and dismembered 5 fish. I was so close the crunching of scales was clearly heard!

To finish off a nice Bittern in front of reception, this was at the top  of the reeds and then crawled down and started hunting just behind the reed front, always amazing to watch them in hunt mode with the bill half in water head cocked.

Happy Christmas everyone!

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