The weather here has been quite amazing for June, we've had a howling Northerly/Easterly for the past 7 days now which is making it feel more like April than June! Moaning aside there are still things to look at in the area, the orchids in Stonelees for example are well worth a visit, with Bee, C. Twayblade, Southern Marsh, Common Spotted, and Pyramidal Orchids all on show, with Lizard orchid on the country park. Also pictured (bottom left) is quite an amazing orchid- check out the leaves on that, very wide and spotted, I'm guessing it must be a hybrid but where it got the genes for those leaves is anyone's guess?!
Click on images to enlarge them, and comments on the broad leaved plant most welcome!

The wind has meant that the moths have not been flying in the numbers that they should be for the time of the year, however there are migrants out there to be had.
I had my first ever Rannoch Looper on Thursday morning around the toilet block at Pegwell CP, which made opening up a little more interesting than normal. I then had another one that evening flying around the trap when I got back from the pub. I have later heard that just about everyone in the area has now had at least one, so there seems to be a large influx. This morning other migrants included silver Y and dark sword grass as well as small numbers of diamond backs.
New species since last update include;
Green Oak tortrix
Lime speck pug
1361Pyrausta autala
Scallop shell
Double lobed
Dingy shell
Rannoch Looper Dusky brocade Crambus perlella (sp Warringtonellus)