What a few weeks!
Since the last update i have become a married man gained a new damselfly and had two uk bird ticks, not bad.
Ruth and I went camping in Dorset for a few nights followed by two nights in the new forest, weather was not great but it was still fantastic. Amazing sights and complete contrast to Norfolk which was nice for a bit. My main targets were odonata but the weather meant that only one day was any good. Did manage to get Southern Damselfly which was a pretty cool little damsel, found only in one location in the new forest. Other new species for the year were small red, keeled skimmer and Golden ringed Dragonfly.

Birds included Wood Warbler, Redstart and Raven, managed not to see Nightjar, Dartford Warbler and Puffin, which were hoped for.
1 New moth species- Burnet companion,
1 new Butterfly- Lulworth Skipper.
2 New bird species- Roller (what a bird!!) and a new Warbler (amazing singer!)
Many thanks for the texts, calls and emails!
Apart from that the moths were very good on Monday night, lots of micros, unfortunately 50% of the catch flew away before being potted/identified, shame, but still managed 85 species. Traps are on again tonight so may do a moth special tomorrow if there is much in them.
I have updated my stats on the side, which have not been updated for a while. I am way off target for many of my new years aims but am enjoying the year, still not seen many easy birds this year ie all auks, but there is time to add to this.
Must update more often, been busy as always recently.