A slow rainy start to the year, a walk around Strumpshaw was on the cards. It was quite quiet with just 45 species being seen, quality was also fairly low however this was more than made up by a fantastic Bittern Sighting. This bird walked out from the left of reception hide and continued right across the broad on the ice, best Bittern sighting I have ever had and I spent a year studying them! I am pretty happy with the shots below but just imagine if it was sunny, they have had to be reduced for the web unfortunately. Hopefully a good omen for the year ahead though.
Click on photos for full size

Fantastic news!
ReplyDeleteDo you remember seeing any bitterns at RSPB Hickling Broad? They are supposed to be there, but no-one I know has ever seen any.
I have seen Bitterns at Hickling before, I have heard up to 3 booming males from the site and have seen 5 in the air at once early one amazing spring morning in 2009.
ReplyDeleteCracking birds Bitterns, made even more so by their illusive nature. keep looking at Hickiling and they will give themselves up, the Bittern hide in summer can be good.
Hi Ben,
ReplyDeleteI run a non-birding blog called The Wherryman's Web which keeps an eye on nature and non-nature stuff in the Yare Valley. Is there any chance I could use one of your fantastic bittern shots on my site ...crediting your blog of course.