A good day for birds today at Pegwell, partially due to the fact I had a guided walk this morning and a disturbance study in the afternoon, basically all day in the field with bins round my neck and scope on the shoulder, beats the office! On the 'signs of spring' guided walk we saw a good selection of migrants including Chiffchaff, whitethroat, Willow warbler, Whimbrel, lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Swallow, all in fairly good numbers also a single Sedge warbler, Buzzard and Marsh Harrier. A fantastic performance of 2 displaying Sparrowhawks was probably the highlight for most. Other than that were 8 common seals, a couple of early purple orchids and 200+ Common Twyblade orchids, both orchid species were showing rosettes and short spikes only, but it should be quite a sight in a couple of weeks!
This afternoon the Whimbrel continued coming and going with Phil having a day total of just under 200 which is probably a site record. Other than that 2 Greenshank, 240 Dunlin, 10 smartly plumaged Grey plovers were amongst the more usual fare. While locking up this evening a Spotted redshank was feeding distantly with an additional Greenshank. The Spoonbill and a Serin were also seen 1st thing this morning but not by me.